my my.
I love finding out i spent two years dating a scum bag.
I love finding out i spent two years dating a scum bag.
a few things happening.
Apparently my ex is a big slut now.
some times i like to fuck people I've known for a week too
I don't blame him.
On a brighter note.
I contacted Emma.
apparently she was told that she shouldn't contact me
because I apparently hate her.
Wonder who told her that?
could it be a sertin boy
who diens't want two girls he's playing to find out the truth about him?
I wonder if the current love of his life is going to enjoy all the lying
and cheating
and nude pictures he puts on hte internet of himself behind her back.
Just hope she knows her stuff
otherwise he's going to get away with it.
like he tried to do with me.
I don't play like that
you do hsit, I will find out
like he tried to do with me.
I don't play like that
you do hsit, I will find out
and i WILL get you back
that's a promise!
Emma and I will be speaking some time soon
that's a promise!
Emma and I will be speaking some time soon
I guess she really wanted to talk to me.
I'm considering asking her to go for coffee to tlak about this
I'm considering asking her to go for coffee to tlak about this
I know i'll just drown her out with questions over MSN.
We'll see.
Shit's gonna fly.
We'll see.
Shit's gonna fly.
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