Saturday, October 24, 2009

Happy mar day success.

Soz for not posting in a few days.
I've been quite on the go
what with my 18th Birthday and all. =]
Went to Halifax today with Drew and Susan.
We met up with Carson and Kaitlyn.
Good times.

Smoked a little more tthen I'd of liked to in one day
but that's been a frequent occurrence as of late.
On my actual Birthday,
I went to susan's after school with aaron and Neil
then kadi came.
We hung around there for a bit.
Eventually susan and I met up with the rents
for Chinese fewd! NOMS!!!

I was given a Camera for the big day
and I baught a phone
which I dropped in a garbage can
at a Cafe' In halifax
and it ended up in a puddle of coffee.
The front keys won't work now.
I hate it anyway.

Got my weave too.
I'd be currently sewing it together
but I'm not. On the count of:
I don't have any thread T.T

I'm at Drew's right now. Sitting alone in the living room
Drew and Susan are in his room with the kitten I brought him.
Ollie's her name.
Tomorrow we're going back to the Nish
for drinks n such at Susan's
And To my demise I have to work 1-9 on Sunday.
then probably Hangskis with Alex on Monday or Sunday night.
IDK yet.
We'll see.

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