1. Psychiatry. a condition of general emotional dejection and withdrawal; sadness greater and more prolonged than that warranted by any objective reason.
2. Psychiatry. a depression so severe as to be considered abnormal, either because of no obvious environmental causes, or because the reaction to unfortunate life circumstances is more intense or prolonged than would generally be expected.
It might be right now
or it might be coming back.
I've been noticing it lurking in my thoughts for the past few days.
Feeling like i'm impossibly unattractive and can't do anything about it,
Remembering that in school I was always the last one picked.
Realizing that my best friend is leaving town for god knows how long.
I am noticing that if I didn't have Alex I'd have no one.
this makes my social situation feel incredibly unstable.
Exams are coming up and this couldn't have come at a worse time.
I'm pretty much sure that I'm going to fail some classes,
then where will I be?
I can't fail anything or I don't graduate.
And if I don't graduate I refuse to come back to school.
So it's between corespondents or waiting two years
then going for my GED.
I gained like five lbs.
I'm absolutely disgusted by that.
I can't even stand to look at pictures of myself.
I can't take this.
It's probably going to fuck me up for next term some how too.
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