I hate couple pictures on facebook
They’re so annoying.
and tacky looking.
Like a side picture of [Name} and their bf/gf kissing.
On a totally different note.
Alex is helping me with my research paper that was due on
What a jem he is n_n
tanks bby!
I guess someone asked Shawn at some party
What he thought of his brother dating me.
That makes me angry >.>
that people are like, saying stuff, when it’s none of their business.
T.T It’s bad enough that I’m cast aside by those people;
They have to like, make my business a topic of their discussion.
ARGH I can’t wait to get the fuck out of Antigonish county.
And look back and laugh
when I’m more successful then all these dicks.
Fuck you guys.
move to truro!